Use the Stealth RO Replacement membrane when your flow rate decreases or your PPM increases. The Stealth RO membrane will remove 98%+ of PPM of Total Disolved Solids.
- 98+% PPM Rejection
- 1 membrane for stealth-RO150 and 2 membranes for the stealth-RO300
- Filters up to 150 GPD (gallons per day)
- Replace between 6 months to 2 years
RO output depends on the source water temperature. At 77°, the system should produce 100% of the rated output. As the temperature drops or increases, so does the output.
If you would like to know the TFC specifically for your wanted output, check out our TFC chart.
There are two indications as to when to change your membranes
- Test the RO and source/inlet water to see what percentage of the inlet water’s PPM the Stealth-RO150 is filtering out (rejection %). You should see approximately 98% of the inlet PPMs being removed when the membrane is new. If the rejection % falls under an acceptable level (typically 90%) it’s time to change the membrane
- When the flow rate of the product water slows down significantly. This can also happen if your pre-filters are clogged. If you change your pre-filters and the product water still flows slowly then it’s an indication you need a new membrane. When it doubt contact HydroLogic
Flow rates of RO systems are based on source water @ 65 psi / 77° / 500 ppm
Part Number: HGC741650
UPC: 812111010164