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Monterey - Weed Whacker Weed Killer


Monterey Weed Whacker, manufactured by Monterey, is a effective herbicide concentrate that offers a quick and easy way to control a wide range of broadleaf weeds within residential turf. 

Consistently strong emerged weed control from three proven ingredients, providing an effective combination of leaves and root control without risking injury to lawns. 

Cool Season Grasses: In Bluegrass, fescue, and rye: To kill dandelion, wild onion, pennywort, plantain, healall, and similar weeds: use 8 to 13 fluid ounces in 6 gal. of water and apply with pump or hose-end sprayer or sprinkling can to 2500 sq ft. of lawn. For smaller areas – use 3 tsp in 2 qt of water applied to 100 sq ft.

To kill undesirable weeds such as thistle, bindweed, dock and ragweed, use 8 fluid ounces in 6 gal of water (or 3 tspn in 2 qt of water), and apply directly to plants, wetting them thoroughly.

To kill undesirable plants such as poison ivy and poison oak, use 2 fluid ounces in 1 qt of water and drench plants when they are fully leaved. Repeat in about 4 weeks if necessary. Certain hard-to-control weeds such as poison ivy, poison oak and english daisy may require a fall application.

Warm Season Grasses: On st. augustine, bahia, common bermuda, centipede, zoysia, and bent: Use a one-half rate which is 4 to 6-1/2 oz in 6 gal of water to treat 2500 sq ft (3 tspn in 4 qt of water applied to 200 sq ft). Make two applications 30 days apart. Do not spray grasses if stressed from heat, drought, etc. Slight turf-yellowing may occur, but should disappear after about 1 week.
Note: Some hybrid bermuda grasses may be sensitive to this product. Contact your local Extension Service weed control specialist.

For Spot Treatment: Put 3 tsp of Weed Whacker into an empty quart container with trigger sprayer, then add 30 fluid ounces of tap water.

Trigger Sprayer: Adjust spray nozzle to give coarse spray. Aim at center of weed and spray to wet. One application should be sufficient. Effects begin to show after a few days and weeds gradually die. A repeat application may be required in 4 weeks for hard-to-control weeds.